Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014

Divers really get to see what we cannot keep!  Jealous, well, sometimes.  Just looking at a few shots one sees what an amazing diversity of life forms live door to door, stretching out into each others space, co-existing, fighting or otherwise just carrying on.  A very sobering experience, putting our feet back onto the ground.

Here are a few shots from my dear friends Marion Muck and Dietmar Günther.

 This little guy is smaller than the nail on your little finger!  The small sponges make a good comparison.
This is definitely a strange friendship.  The clarity of this shot is amazing!

He is a bit larger than your thumbnail, H. deniseae.  Various colour forms are know ranging from deep red to pale gold.

A shot of the adventurous couple. All fotos used with permission.  For information or use of their wonderful fotos, please contact them through www.pearlfisher.de

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