Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

Bio-pellets: Update

Since the Vertex Biopellets have been used, I have gone from a relatively high PO4 down to an almost unreadable level and, currently, about 2 weeks after the extremely low reading, the PO4 has been creeping up again.  I'm not really sure why, but I get the feeling that my skimmer may not be efficient enough to rermove the bacteria waste in the amount that it is produced.  Otherwise, why would the PO4 rise in a 'nulled' system?  There have been no changes in feeding or inhabitants, no dead creatures, etc.  It would seem that, after the bacterial bloom that reduced the PO4, the skimmer is not removing all the bacteria and it is dying and the contained phosphates are being released back into the water column.

Next step, a new skimmer.  I have been planning on testing the Vertex cone skimmer, but need to redo the sump first.  Hopefully this will all happen in the next weeks, as I am also waiting for a new stand for the refugium part of the system.

I can't say that the corals appear to be suffering.  It is almost as if the biopellets do have an additional effect, which benefits the corals.  I had noticed a similar general improvement when I first started working with Zeovit.

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